Thursday, March 14, 2013


Detergent/Salt Solution
Add 20 ml of detergent to 20 g non-iodized salt and 180 ml of distilled water.
The detergent salt solution is used to break down the fat and proteins that make up the cell membrane. The sale causs the phosphate ends of the DNA to come closer together which will make it easier to precipitate out of solution.
Meat Tenderizer Solution
Add 5 g of meat tenderizer to 95 ml of distilled water.
Enzymes in the meat tenderizer will break down proteins
Ethanol Solution
Add 5 ml of distilled water to 95 ml of ethanol (alcohol). Rubbing alcohol can be substituted. Place this solution on ice, the colder the better.
Alcohol is used to precipitate the DNA. Because DNA is soluble in water, alcohol (ethanol) causes the DNA to precipitate and come out of the solution. DNA will rise into the alcohol layer.
1. Cut the onion(s) and remove the center portions. Chop into small pieces and place in blender.
2. Add 100 ml of the detergent/salt solution
3. Blend on high for 1 minute
4. Strain the mixture into a beaker using a strainer and coffee filter
5. Add 20 ml meat tenderizer solution to the mix
6. Place 6 ml of the filtrate into a test tube.
7. Pour 6 ml of ice cold ethanol down the side of the test tube to form a layer on top.
8. Let the mixture sit for 2-3 minutes.
9. Use a stirring rod or wooden stick as a hook to spool and draw the DNA into the alcohol

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