Friday, December 2, 2011

Media Realia

Based on excerpts from The Expert Educator (Jones, et al. , 1994)
Realia---real things---represent the actual conditions with which the learner will live. As such, realia should be used whenever possible. Real things are available. The task is to locate them and put them to use in helping students learn. Examples of realia are: insects; coins; rocks; plants; pets; and stamps.
Advantages or Special Purposes
1                 Experience with real things with which one will interact in life is the best learning situation possible.
2                 Real objects are plentiful and available everywhere.
3                 Real items can be observed and handled, providing concrete learning experiences for the student.
4                 Dealing with realia motivates the learner.
5                 Realia can be used as part of the evaluation system.
6                 Realia learning can be extended through the use of displays.

Disadvantages or Limitations
1. Real things are not always readily available.
2. Realia are not always practical for use in the classroom:
a. Size---a real object may be too large (a submarine) or too small (a single human cell) for classroom study.
b. Potential hazards---realia such as live animals, certain electrical and mechanical equipment, etc., can represent potential hazards for the learner and the teacher.
c. Cost---real objects often are expensive.
d. Need to maintain original structure---while some realia can be dismantled, many others cannot be, e.g., cutting open a person to see how the heart functions.
3. Affective learning is unpredictable through realia.
4. If left sitting around the classroom, realia can be a distraction.
5. Storage and retrieval can create problems.

1                 Be certain the real object enhances your objectives.
2                 Make whatever advanced arrangements are necessary for proper use of the realia.
3                 Costs can often be minimized by borrowing real items from members of the community.
4                 Keep the realia under wraps until you are ready to use them; after using, remove the potential  
      distractor from sight.
5                 Students should be encouraged to help in locating and acquiring realia for classroom use.
6                 Develop a system of storage and retrieval which will be functional.

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